Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-03-28 17:17:31 +0000
It's about time...
An inspired review of "Chinese Democracy" is <a href="">here.</a>
Posted by on 2006-03-28 17:18:24 +0000
Best line out of the three I've read: "If you purchased a kitten on the day that <i>Use Your Illusion I & II</i> arrived in stores, it’s probably dead by now."
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-03-28 20:20:15 +0000
I totally shouldn't be, but I have to admit Im oddly compelled.
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-03-29 14:52:22 +0000
sources are saying this is an April fools joke..
Posted by on 2006-03-29 14:54:41 +0000
Possibly the use of "absotively" is a tip-off. <i>Spin</i> is not known for high prose, but still.
I was taken.
Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-03-29 14:57:04 +0000
Klosterman is a legit GNR fan (read <i>Fargo Rock City</i>) and nothing besides the above comment could be construed as a prank - I still think some of it might be legit - but Im also hearing from folks that will remain nameless that it is not correct...
Maybe in the life span of 2 or 3 more kittens back to back
I was taken.
Maybe in the life span of 2 or 3 more kittens back to back