Homeland Buffoonery
The whole post-9/11 "What If?" scenario is in my opinion making it easier for communities to come up with new, creative, and not always helpful ways to spend money, and to give public officials whose job it is to ensure public safety just a little too much leeway in creating their own utopia. A prime example is <a href = "http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-secure28mar28,0,3284078.story?page=1&coll=la-home-headlines">this piece</a>, about an Alaskan fishing town of 2,400 being watched by 80 cameras about town. WTF?
Err, except you have to leave the United States in order to return to the United States. Unless clearing Customs in Alaska means you don't need to clear Customs a second time.
Why do we need more beauracracy in defense? Wasn't the Dept of Defense/CIA/FBI overlap enough?
And just for the record, customs is just for goods you're bringing in, whilst immigration is for yourself. Sorry to be pedantic, but that's why there are two clearances you make when flying internationally - first immigration control, then customs control.
Nice to know they get <i>The Watchmen</i> up there.
Who is it that's more likely to cause an alert on video cameras in a sleepy Alaska fishing village? Non-whites. That's fear of the other at work not fear of unpreparedness.
Security cameras did not stop the attacks of Sept. 11th, 2001. I'm still waiting for real security measures. Maybe a Congress not interested in forking over multi-million dollar (in the case of the Medicare Drug Plan, multi-billion dollar) legislation for business interests in exchange for $50 lunches, trips to Scotland and a couple thousand in campaign contributions will do the necessary work.
All 19 hijackers on <rudy-giuliani's-entire-campaign-strategy-is-to-repeat-this-historical-date> were in this country legal, with the proper identification. The FBI and the CIA and the NSA were on the lookout for at least 3 of them.