I'm pretty sure I'm moving out of my rental duplex on May 1. Anyone want to come help me pack up all my crap mid-April? I'm out of work for several days during Passover and would love the company!
Posted by Miriam on 2006-04-04 20:30:33 +0000
By the way, this is because the guy who's buying my place wants to start demolition on it May 1. Ugh. I'll be couch surfing for a few months if I don't find a place to buy before then!
Posted by Miriam on 2006-04-05 22:46:04 +0000
Today I saw four houses...I liked this <a href=http://listings.realtracs.com/Reports/EmailPublicReports.aspx?EmailID=5640207&reportid=3> one</a> on Park Ave a lot! Bad thing is that it's kind of out of my price range and the alley behind the houses across the street is notorious for crack dealing. Good thing is I would get to stop looking at houses!
Posted by tgl on 2006-04-06 02:19:51 +0000
Only you can prevent crack dealing!
Posted by Miriam on 2006-04-06 17:06:30 +0000
But I can't prevent cracks in an old house's foundation. I went and saw it again this morning with my folks who weren't psyched about the neighborhood, but really not happy with the condition of the house. Ah, well. Still looking.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-04-06 17:11:45 +0000
Crack? They still use crack in Tenn? I wouldn't move into that neighborhood purely because the druggies haven't switched to meth yet. Gee whiz, get with the program people.
Posted by Miriam on 2006-04-12 18:19:31 +0000
Okay, didn't go for the place near the crack alley.
I did, however, put an offer on a <a href=http://www.realtracs.com/MediaDisplay.aspx?ListingID=842306> house </a> on Saturday. Still negotiating, but hoping to close on April 30, in time to do a little work by May 15 when I absolutely have to be out of my place. Go to <a href=http://www.realtracs.com> the MLS listing</a>, click on search for properties, and type in 708673.
Posted by Miriam on 2006-04-16 04:36:56 +0000
Okay, so this is the house I'm trying to buy. Why the guy put up pictures of his washer, dryer and stove on the listing without including them with the house is beyond me.
I did, however, put an offer on a <a href=http://www.realtracs.com/MediaDisplay.aspx?ListingID=842306> house </a> on Saturday. Still negotiating, but hoping to close on April 30, in time to do a little work by May 15 when I absolutely have to be out of my place. Go to <a href=http://www.realtracs.com> the MLS listing</a>, click on search for properties, and type in 708673.
I'm already planning out the garden!