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Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-04-05 16:28:56 +0000

My pledge for the new season:

I will not let <a href ="http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/articles/2006/04/05/no_joshing____it_was_ugly/"> this columnist </a> piss me off with his parlor tricks and prophesies of doom.

Posted by tgl on 2006-04-05 17:39:11 +0000
I never feel like the CHB is making a prophesy of doom. He's poking fun at the hysteria that erupted on WEEI after the game.

Maybe he is tapping into the idea that Bard was more at fault than Wakefield. There were definitely a few callers on the "Mikey" (?) show that felt the loss of Mirabelli was the single most destructive act of the off-season. The knuckleballer is only as good as his catcher, "Who caught Wake in 1995?" was the unanswered question of the night.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-04-05 17:57:31 +0000
I don't listen to WEEI too much (aside from as a snooze alarm, which is alternately funny and fucked up). We're on game two- game TWO - and the negativaty is already here, poking fun or no.

He's like Jay Severin, trying to get a reaction.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-04-05 19:58:27 +0000
Are you hatin' on Severin?

I might argue that Shaughnessey's level of negativity is less akin to Libertarian talk show hosts than it would be, to say, Democrat talk show hosts, but you also have to consider the creator of this post and his wacky opinions


Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-04-05 20:30:16 +0000
Is there anyone worse than J Severin? Seriously.
I remember talking to the owner of Mars Records (when it existed) and he said no one likes the guy, but he is so hateful, people listen to him cause it pisses them off.

Posted by tgl on 2006-04-05 20:52:05 +0000
Howie Carr.

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-04-05 23:12:05 +0000
My work on this thread is done boys: Seacrest out.

Posted by on 2006-04-06 04:30:00 +0000
Here's Chris Matthews --is he a Democrat? I don't know-- with our fiend, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/harry-shearer/found-object-delay-on-ha_b_18506.html">DeLay</a>. I understand we are discussing the negativity of talk show hosts but, DeLay's comment about "women know-it-alls" as got to count some, right?

Otherwise I'll trot out Anne Coulter and her "We should bomb those Muslims into Christianity" non-negativity.

Posted by cdubrocker on 2006-04-06 13:15:48 +0000
<img src = "http://www.geocities.com/marsupial_hat/heraldfrontpage.jpg">

Posted by lrf on 2006-04-06 16:40:11 +0000
bombing is awesome

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