Picked up some Franziskaner yesterday. I've always been one to say, "I'm not really a wheat beer fan, but...."
So, I'm confessing: I like wheat beer. Not that Sam Adams Cherry Wheat crap, nor really the Harpoon UFO (although, not bad). But hefe-weizen done well is a real pleasure. Franziskaner, Paulaner, Widmer, in alphabetical order. I even prefer it with a lemon slice, because it tastes good that way. In the summertime too, to complete the cliche.
That's the other thing, I'm trying to purchase beer seasonally. No so many strong ales in the summer, not so many lagers in the winter.
Generally I agree that fruit should not be place in beer (Boston Beer Works Blueberry Ale, anyone?) but if the flavors are right, why not?
It's similar to the argument I've made about local beer. Drink beer that is fresh and made from fresh ingredients.
Nothing better than waiting hearing Old Brownie to squeeze one out, sticking your hand into the pile of still-wet shit underneath her, lifting out the once-per month double-yolker, and running into the house to fry it up immediately!
MMMMM MMMMMMM!!! Straight from the chicken's ASS is for me!
Do they? I'm just a city-slicker.
Had a Paulaner on Monday night with Astrid...I drank half, and it was delicious!
Or Astrid went to Nashville?
Please tell all.
<img src="http://www.afn.org/~poultry/images/hen8.gif" />
<img src="http://www.afn.org/~poultry/images/hen9.gif" />
What's the problem anyway, you big strong men all scared of a chicken vagina?