Harris didnt back her shit up. I can understand how that is bad news.
However, I fail to see how releasing identites of delegates would be fodder that democrats would bitch about though. If you had anything to do with Florida, would you be forthcoming about telling the world who you were? everything in Florida will be done with a fine tooth comb this year anyhoo, so what's the big deal?
If there are delegates there are delegates.... besides by the Democratic argument you want to eliminate the electoral College anyway...
Florida could have happened anywhere in a situation where 2 candidates are running neck and neck.
whatever happens this November, I just hope whover wins wins by a clear Mandate so either side wont bitch and moan about the election being unfair.
Posted by on 2004-08-06 22:46:26 +0000
I can understand the shame in being a Florida Republican delegate after 2000, but wouldn't one try to shake that image?
Still, the issue is not simply that Democrats believe in a transparent election of the President, and Republicans do not; it maybe worse.
"Florida purged the names of thousands of supposed felons from voting lists in the Bush-Gore race -- hundreds or even thousands of whom were actually nonfelons with names similar to former prison inmates -- and this month (July '04) state officials either blundered or connived again. Twenty thousand African-Americans, who tend to vote Democratic, were stricken from Florida's voting rolls, but only 60 or so Hispanics, who mostly vote Republican in Florida, were scratched. Officials tried to keep these lists secret and journalists sued. The state was finally forced to obey a court order and reveal the names, and then had to admit that something might be amiss."
It appears some (and when I say some, I do believe it is a weak minority) of Florida's GOP are again trying to hinder the democratic process and destroy the fair push and pull of politics. The Republican leadership should reject these paranoid antics and stop the secrecy.
The 2002 vote did not help the nation's confidence in Florida's election:
I hope others besides Michael Moore are going to film the 2004 Florida election.
However, I fail to see how releasing identites of delegates would be fodder that democrats would bitch about though. If you had anything to do with Florida, would you be forthcoming about telling the world who you were? everything in Florida will be done with a fine tooth comb this year anyhoo, so what's the big deal?
If there are delegates there are delegates.... besides by the Democratic argument you want to eliminate the electoral College anyway...
Florida could have happened anywhere in a situation where 2 candidates are running neck and neck.
whatever happens this November, I just hope whover wins wins by a clear Mandate so either side wont bitch and moan about the election being unfair.
Still, the issue is not simply that Democrats believe in a transparent election of the President, and Republicans do not; it maybe worse.
"Florida purged the names of thousands of supposed felons from voting lists in the Bush-Gore race -- hundreds or even thousands of whom were actually nonfelons with names similar to former prison inmates -- and this month (July '04) state officials either blundered or connived again. Twenty thousand African-Americans, who tend to vote Democratic, were stricken from Florida's voting rolls, but only 60 or so Hispanics, who mostly vote Republican in Florida, were scratched. Officials tried to keep these lists secret and journalists sued. The state was finally forced to obey a court order and reveal the names, and then had to admit that something might be amiss."
It appears some (and when I say some, I do believe it is a weak minority) of Florida's GOP are again trying to hinder the democratic process and destroy the fair push and pull of politics. The Republican leadership should reject these paranoid antics and stop the secrecy.
The 2002 vote did not help the nation's confidence in Florida's election:
I hope others besides Michael Moore are going to film the 2004 Florida election.