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i ride sideways
Posted by Miriam on 2006-04-16 04:49:48 +0000

Fun and no fun

So, today was a very full day. My brother called from Israel to see if I was actually sleeping at his place like I'm supposed to, which I wasn't, and for other stuff. Tonight I am, by the way. I hate house-sitting, especially when I don't feel comfortable in the house, and I'm not getting paid for it, or compensated in any way. Lame.

Anyway, since I was up, I showered and packed up the rest of my cookbooks (6 boxes in total). Then, my buddy Dan, who was in town on business, came over for some matzo brei before heading back to Ohio, which he dreaded.

That was followed by more packing, some lounging around, and a very welcome phone call by my sister who desperately needed a break from writing a paper that was due at midnight. We ended up spending about 5 hours shopping and chatting and stopping for chilly beverages along the way, and finally dinner.

When I dropped her back off at her house, she asked me in to check out her project for class. It's a map of the relationships in our family and her husband's family. It was REALLY interesting. There are lots of people who don't speak to each other, don't trust each other, or feel something unpleasant or indifferent towards each other. There's also lots of love and co-dependency to balance out all the negative stuff. VERY interesting so see it mapped.

After leaving her, I went home and packed up the rest of my living room books and movies for another 8 boxes. Tommorrow I hope to wrap up most of the breakables and clear out some drawers and closets.

Moving is a huge pain. Luckily it's going to be to someplace a little more permanent!

Posted by tgl on 2006-04-16 12:23:24 +0000
Drink all his booze.

Posted by Miriam on 2006-04-16 13:21:42 +0000
Since he doesn't have booze, I'm eating all his madarin oranges and drinking all his diet coke!

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