Wild Turkey
Just about this time a few years ago, we found a wild turkey in our big back yard in Somerville. (We even have the pictures to prove it) And a few years before that, I saw one on the spine of the Old South Meeting House. Here are a couple recent incidences:
<a href="http://www.ala.org/ala/alonline/currentnews/newsarchive/2006abc/april2006ab/southbend.htm"> <strong>Wild Turkey @ Your Library</strong></a>
A male wild turkey’s nesting season took a painful turn when it flew through a double window at the Western branch of St. Joseph County (Ind.) Public Library in South Bend shortly before 9 a.m. April 7.
<a href="http://www.ala.org/ala/alonline/currentnews/newsarchive/2006abc/april2006ab/southbend.htm"> The rest of the article is here</a>
And from the Madison, WI police log:
<a href="http://www.cityofmadison.com/wsc/pdpress.wsc/ReleaseDetails.html?releaseNum=8007"><strong>Police taser wild turkey</strong></a>
[thanks to PChippy's brother for alerting us to this one!]