Real Estate
Afater moving to Eastie, I've kept up with what's for sale in our neighborhood, what's going on with the pricing, etc. etc. And every once in a while, I find something that is absolutely perfect. Although I'm happy with what we bought, right now, I'm in LOVE with <a href=""> this house</a>. You might have to sign in to get access to the listing, or look up MLS # 70372251 .
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It's the perfect combination of cheap, good bones and details (marble fireplaces, and cute back yard), updated electrics, and general complete disrepair.
It's the best fixer-upper I've seen in Eastie all year. Who's interested?
For that amount, you could get an 80 square meter (900 square foot) apartment in the center of Amsterdam or twice that outside the canal ring.
Come to Amsterdam, Trav!
Hell, come to Amsterdam <i><strong>everybody</i></strong>!
How close is Belgium?
got any jobs going in the 'dam? bullshitting and drinking are my 2 main work skills
Beerdrinker, check.
Belgium, 2 hours to the South.
<a>Huge selection of Belgian beers</a>, right downtown.
As an EU citizen you could come straight over & start working, Travis. Gimme a range of work environments/realms you prefer, and I can e-mail you some more detailed info re: job market for English-speakers.
Bullshitting and drinking? Well, damn, Travis, I already knew you were English. 'Nuff said.
Someone put an offer on it-- it's now "Pending". All ya'll missed out!