Happt B-Day G (lib)/Hats off to P (chip)
Jah-Da-Na, Jah-Dah-Nah!
What a birthday bash. Tony's is an experience, I hope you all can make it. The wizened 75-year-old proprieteress makes a mean veal cutlet. I should know, I had three. The sausages were a disappointment; the meatballs acceptable. Jumbo shrimp in garlicky herbed butter, oh my.
The Eye-talian accent is for real.
Mad props to Peter for treating everyone to a meat-lovers feast to celebrate his vegetarian fiance's birthday.
For the record: My stop on the 442 is at the ocean.
Jeffries Yacht Club 4 Evah. I met the Commodore. (jbcardinale: Over ten years, it's only $240 per year.)
And whatever props are, let's send some out too (not mad, just mildly eccentric) to Mimi, Terry, Laura, Honor, James, Rebecca, and Webb for helping to celebrate glib.
<img src="http://web.birdbarrier.com/BirdBarrier/images/Bird%20Pix/starling%20feather.jpg"></src>