Colbert at the White House Correspondents' Dinner
Stephen Colbert's <a href = "">schtick</a> at the event is really funny, especially considering that Bush is sitting only several feet away from him. Note the muted laughter from the audience.
I've only read the first four paragraphs, and it's already brutal. I always assumed Colbert was a sort of Jon Stewart hanger-on; maybe not. Inspired satire. Fantastic. I should withhold comments until I read the whol thing...
He essentially sums up what's so startlingly wrong with the GOP these days and does it with very funny satire. An inspired piece.
Stephen Fairey (hatip NP) called it "one of the greatest performances of political satire in American history". Hyperbole? We report. You decide.
I may agree with the esteemed opinion makers over at, Colbert wasn't _that_ funny.
He did get good laughs with Valerie Plame. Also Scalia.
Wicked, pointed, devastating satire.