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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by pchippy on 2006-05-04 10:40:18 +0000

NERAX 2006

1. The doors, scheduled to open at 6:00, actually opened at 6:30.

2. Though I was waiting in line from 5:50, I didn't make it through the door until 6:50.

3. Too many people in too small a room.

4. No tables and almost no chairs.

5. Too much noise for easy conversation.

6. $6 at the door buys you nothing except the right to wait in further lines to shell out $5 a pint.

7. Too many undercarbonated, syrupy British ales.

8. Redbones' portabello sandwiches = somewhat nasty.

Posted by cdubrocker on 2006-05-04 11:01:36 +0000
I had the same problem with crowds at the Dilboy at one of the Bazaar Bizzares. Line out the door, nowhere to move once you're inside - organizers either greatly overestimate the size of the place or grossly underestimate the crowds they will draw. It's maddening. Somerville doesn't have the space for events like this...when the organizers realize this they inevitably move on to neighboring Cambridge.

Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-05-04 11:10:26 +0000
Wow, I had to go to my mother's house to take out a bunch of garbage so I figured by the time I got there it wouldn't be worth the admission...going home and listening to "Rhythms of the South" by Edmund Ros and his orchestra was the right choice.

Posted by Miriam on 2006-05-04 11:42:28 +0000
Does that mean no hangovers to poke fun at this morning?

Posted by Null Protocol on 2006-05-04 12:13:05 +0000
"Somewhat Nasty" seems an appropro 2 word summation of the event.

It also strikes me as an excellent band name / song title...

Posted by tgl on 2006-05-04 13:43:39 +0000
<li>$5 for an Imperial Pint (20 oz.) seems a fair price. Especially for exotic brews like the E&S Halifax Bomber (which I didn't care for).
<li>$2.50 for a seemingly generous 10oz. pour was very satisfactory.
<li>Showing up around 8pm may be a better call. The initial rush is over and a little more space. I agree that the conditions were not conducive to considered appreciation of the ales proffered.
<li>Redbones' jerk beef sandwich = hella hot. And good.

What I tasted (in chronological order):
<li>Mercury - Ipswich IPA * My favorite of the night. An American Double IPA if there ever was one. I don't remember it being this hoppy out of the bottle. Dark reddish/copper in color. Big hop nose and taste. Clean finish. Having such a hops blast up front probably colored my reaction to the next two beers.
<li>E&S - Halifax Bomber * A mild? Don't know how to characterise it. Light brown in color. Fairly wimpy up front. Not much nose. A very round malty finish.
<li>Stone - Pale Ale * A bit disappointing. Not sure if this is Stone or Stone Coast. I'd be more disappointed if it's from Stone, makers of Arrogant Bastard and other high hop IPAs. Watery and bland.
<li>Smuttynose - Summer Weizen * A surprise a first. A chamomile flavored heffe-weizen was very pleasant. Lacked bite. Almost too round and soft a flavor. Like the Magic Hat #9, I wasn't particularly excited to finish the last 2 ounces or so.

Posted by G lib on 2006-05-04 15:15:23 +0000
Old Slapper- Great name, not great beer.

Then I had the Ipswich IPA, which was decidedly hoppy and tasty, but I have to say, I just like my beer carbonated.

I think I was one of 10 women in the place.

Posted by G lib on 2006-05-04 15:19:20 +0000
My favorite part of the evening was NOT the beer.

I know that it seems unlikely, maybe even preposterous, that your friend GLib was NOT excited about drinking, but it's true.

My favorite part of the evening was talking to my friend from library school about how much of a beer nerd he is. He said he showed up at the place at 5:00 and there were a bunch of tumbleweeds blowing around. His friend made him leave and come back in an hour, at which time he still managed to be the first one in line.

Posted by pchippy on 2006-05-04 15:42:13 +0000
I hate to break it to you GLib, but your friend was LYING. By 5:50, when I arrived, there were at least sixty people in line in front of me. At least three of them were women.

For what it's worth, and to get into the spirit of it all, I guess I'd better offer some reviews too:

Orkney Dragonhead Stout: Thick, full-bodied, flat. A little burnt-tasting.

Oakham JHB: The color of Budweiser, with not much more flavor than Budweiser, but with a most remarkable aroma of fresh, unsteeped hops.

Sam Adams Aged Cider: Cidery ('nuff said).

Otter Creek ESB: Best beer of the evening, by far.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-05-04 23:37:52 +0000
Otter Creek in the muthaf-ing house!

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