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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by Travis on 2006-05-04 11:47:29 +0000

would you believe?

some pikey bastard has stolen the C4RT cool bus!!!

I thought the local council had towed it as a suspected abandoned vehicle but no - turns out someone has "half inched" it

I have never had a vehicle stolen before. I suppose it saves me the trouble of fixing the flat tire and finding some muggins to buy it...

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-05-04 12:35:49 +0000
Coming up on the 1st anniversary of when my car got jacked...

"Muggins"? I love it.

Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-05-04 13:01:13 +0000
Wow... This news saddens me. Plus it makes this picture look more and more antiquated.

<p><img src="http://images1.snapfish.com/346999574%7Ffp345%3Enu%3D3238%3E%3A47%3E2%3B%3A%"></p>

Posted by Miriam on 2006-05-04 14:02:33 +0000
Talk about getting robbed!

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