So, you thought Null Protocol was done talking about Star Wars
<a href="">Not quite</a>.
Lucas always finds a way to extract more cash from his fans...
do you mean Im too cynical about Lucas's recycling of the same essential product? I am a huge fan, wind up getting most of the major releases, but I just like to vent as most of these releases are huge marketing strategies. "Multiple biteas at the same apple" if you will.
I'm sure many people on this board have a huge number of "It would be great if _______ wouldn't post _____________. But the awesome thing is usually if people don't have nice things to say about specific RSN'ers, they dont say anything at all.
I will continue to say things that aren't "nice". Not apologizing for speaking my mind. And I flatly disagree, the awesome thing about rs.n is that people do say what they think and do not censor.
<img src ="">
My friends are critical and give uncensored feedback. If that's not "being a decent human", I'm glad they aren't. Sorry if NP was being sarcastic and I (yet again) wasn't smart enough to pick up on it.
There is an interesting discussion as to why the board's most vociferious anti-goverment interventionist is also the one that gripes the most about prices set by a free market. Especially for luxury goods, e.g., Radiohead concert tickets, Ticketmaster "handling" fees, DVD box sets. Your method of initiating this discussion could have been done more effectively.
The release of the original theatrical cuts of Star Wars 5, 4 and 6 (ordered by preference) makes sense. I could see how Lucas may infuriate his completist fans.
I already own all the Lucas I need: THX-1138 on VHS.
NP didn't help things by overreacting to your first comment.
Dead ball. Uh, thread.
P.S. I love Bob Dole <strong>and</strong> Null Protocol. Regardless of whether or not I'd ever vote for either of them, I'd love to have them over for dinner.
cant think of any overseas residence I'd rather eat at:
consider yrself 'looked up" if Im ever in Amsterdam (of course after I've gone to a "coffee" bar to drink "coffee"...)
Funniest Overheard in Amsterdam:
Conservatively-dressed British Twentysomething: "Oooh! You know what I want to do now? (lowers voice, but not quite enough) I want to go to one of those <i>tea</i> bars!"
Even though these are the originals, they aren't in anamorphic widescreen and the telecine is off of the 1993 films way before Lucas took the originals and had the negatives restored. seems like a head scratching move given that a great deal of SW fans are also technology enthusiasts.
Here's a snippet from the <a href="">
article</a> appropriately titled <b>'Ah, crap. Yeah... it's another f-ing Star Wars rant'</b> :
<i>Bottom line: This notion that Lucasfilm is doing the fans a favor by finally giving them the original versions on DVD in 2006... but in 1993 laserdisc quality... is baloney. In fact, it's unacceptable. Even though most of them probably don't even know what anamorphic means on DVD, or why they should care about it, the fact remains that the fans are getting bilked. We hate to say it, because we've known many of the folks at Lucasfilm for years now. But someone HAS to say it. It needs to be said. Lucasfilm can and should do better. Who knows? Maybe they're already planning to do better for the 30th Anniversary of the original Star Wars next year... and this is just one more bite at the pie in the meantime.</i>
What a pain.
My laserdisc faves were:
She's Gotta Have It (still not available on DVD - WTF Spike Lee?)
Naked City (the film noir, not the JZ project)
Blade Runner
Midnight Cowboy
The SW geeks are pissed!
Gasoline to the fire:
<a href="">here</a>, <a href="">here</a>, <a href="">here<</a> and <a href="">here</a> (the last link is sponsored by Lucas himself, an official SW website discussion board)