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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-05-08 11:59:06 +0000

Funniest Comedy Show?

<strong>cdubrocker</strong> just stated (under the NWA heading, for obvious reasons) that Father Ted is the funniest comedy show he's ever seen. Which makes me think:
a.) OK, a third person I respect has recommended it, I guess I should try it out
b.) Really? Father Ted? The funniest ever?

So... I want to know, guys - what are your top five funniest comedy shows?

1. Never Mind the Buzzcocks
2. Have I Got News for You
3. Saturday Night Live when it's good (I'm thinking of Gilda Radner, Eddie Murphy, Chris Farley, & Will Ferrell - haven't seen it for a few years)
4. Fawty Towers (loses points for having been viewed so many times)
5. Monty Python's Flying Circus (loses points for having been viewed so many times)

Strangely, there is a correlation between that list and my top five favorite musicians/bands:
1. The Smiths
2. The Clash
3. The Ramones
4. David Bowie
5. The Beatles

Essentially, I like consistency, I like topicality, I like stuff I can identify with, and I freaking love skinny older men in tight jeans.

What about you?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-05-08 12:08:41 +0000
Faw<strong>l</strong>ty Towers, I mean. It must've fallen off the sign.

Watery Fowls.

Posted by Travis on 2006-05-08 12:23:17 +0000
no life would be complete without having seen all series of:

Spaced - funniest sitcom EVER

Black Books - the sister of my friends cousins wife is in it so that makes me practically famous

Brasseye - sheer unadulterated genius

Jam - see Brasseye - same guy Chris Morris (originally a radio series for all you audio fans)

The fall and rise of Reginald Perrin - Leonard Rossiter, need i say more?

Vic Reeves big night out / the smell of reeves and mortimer - very very funny

and im sure theres a lot more i have forgotten

Posted by MF DU on 2006-05-08 12:33:22 +0000
I am Manuel from Barcelona: I KNOW NOTHING

<img src="http://www.danbbs.dk/~erikoest/graphics/manuel.jpg">

Posted by MF DU on 2006-05-08 12:33:37 +0000
Farty Towels

Posted by G lib on 2006-05-08 13:12:36 +0000
I have peed my pants every time I've seen an episode of Da Ali G.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-05-08 13:17:32 +0000
I remember thinking Father Ted was pretty good.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-05-08 13:36:44 +0000
Hm. Leonard "Rising Damp" Rossiter?
<img src="http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~culttv/rigsby-jones.JPG"></src>

I do love Reeves & Mortimer, but I don't reckon I've seen enough episodes to put them on my top 5.

The others are all Channel 4 offerings, right? Stupid Dutch telly only imports the Beeb. I do know someone with DVDs of them, though. I shall procure them post haste.

I'm relieved that no one's mentioned <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/tv/nightynight.shtml">Nighty Night</a>. It makes me <i>squirm</i>.

Posted by cdubrocker on 2006-05-08 13:38:26 +0000
Whoa! Respect! I'm honored...

Top sit-coms (non-animated, non-sketch comedy):
1. Father Ted
2. Strangers with Candy
3. Married...with Children
4. Get A Life
5. Parker Lewis Can't Lose

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-05-08 13:40:19 +0000
I love Basil. Love him.
"Ageing, brilliantined stick insect" that he is.
<img src="http://www.ianrowland.com/Images/Photos/Travels/EdgeOfAlleg/Basil%20Fawlty.jpg"></src>

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-05-08 15:00:08 +0000
Parker Lewis Can't Lose!!!

While I'm not up to snuff with my Brit TV (and it appears I should watch a lot more of it), Parker Lewis Can't Lose was phenominal. I know it was a rip off of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, but I remember thinking that Parker Lewis was making history as I was watching it my junior year in high school.

Still waiting for the DVD...

Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-05-08 15:19:16 +0000
not already mentioned...
1. The Gong Show ...anytime you've done as many drugs as Chuck Barris did during taping

2. The Adventures of Pete & Pete (on Nickelodeon)... not out loud funny, but had an episode feat. Iggy Pop as the girl next door's dad, Luscious Jackson and a jar of glowing creamed corn vomit and a bully named "sweatstains".

Posted by tgl on 2006-05-08 17:25:22 +0000
Hear Hear! Pete & Pete!

And the title music by Polaris, worst indie rock bad you've never heard.

3. Malcolm in the Middle.


When can we discuss animated comedies?

<i>The Simpsons</i> is a traditionalists first choice, I'll go with:

1. Family Guy
2. Ren & Stimpy
3. Space Ghost, Coast to Coast

Posted by Travis on 2006-05-09 05:50:19 +0000
no seriously people - you need to watch Spaced - its more than great and it was shamefully cancelled after 2 series so it has the nessesary brevity of a cult classic, I have watched it about 30 times and still find something new and funny everytime - I might even be persuaded to make copies of the DVD's and post them if anyone wants to join the cult

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-05-09 08:46:27 +0000
Just a quick note - I don't want to piss on Travis' parade, but European (Region 2, including UK) DVDs (including recordables) don't work in US players unless the player in question is multiregional. Which some players are, and I imagine that some Ridesiders may own one.

Meanwhile, I need to get Carter (my conveniently-named friend) to lend me his Spaced DVDs...

Posted by tommy on 2006-05-09 09:29:08 +0000
Polaris is really Miracle Legion, a really good indie band from New Haven ("Me and Mr. Ray" is one of my favorite albums ever).

I have the Polaris/Pete & Pete soundtrack CD, which I got from clipping UPC codes off of breakfast cereals. I like it. It's in MCotP.

Posted by Travis on 2006-05-09 09:30:28 +0000
i normally have to pay good money to have a lady in Amsterdam piss on me....

I think if you run your bought/rented DVD through DVD decryption software to break the encryption you can also remove that pesky regional lock.

however this may be illegal and is for informational purposes only...

Posted by cdubrocker on 2006-05-09 10:26:55 +0000
If Get a Life can be released on DVD, I don't see why the same can't happen with Parker Lewis. It does have a cult following, and there are petitions...let's hope!!!

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-05-09 10:35:21 +0000
Ooooh, that's genius. I mean, hypothetically. Not that I'm gonna run home & "fix" my copy of <strong>Resident Evil: Apocalypse</strong>. Ahem.

I never had you down as a <i>golden showers</i> kinda guy, Travis. Bukkake, yes. Golden showers, no.


I jest, of course.


I <i>totally</i> had you down as a golden showers kinda guy.

Posted by tgl on 2006-05-09 10:47:52 +0000
I also meant to post:

3. Malcolm in the Middle.

And the title music by TMBG, worst indie rock bad you have heard.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-05-09 12:15:54 +0000
oh snap!

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