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tome cusp
Posted by edward on 2004-08-09 23:31:13 +0000


FA~GEN /fay-g<i>n/ noun: 1) an allusion to some aspect of culture (music, literature, film, art, etc.) that alienates at least one person (generally more) in the social setting, creating awkward tension and disinterest. 2) an overtly obtuse reference:

Everyone at the barbeque enjoyed discussing Dennis Hopper's films until Carrie busted out the "Straight to Hell" fagen.

(from American, Donald Fagen, of Steely Dan fame.)

Posted by on 2004-08-10 04:28:32 +0000
Well done.

Posted by on 2004-08-10 13:34:22 +0000

Is that in the OED?

Posted by on 2004-08-13 21:04:51 +0000
You forgot "desexualizing signifier"

Posted by on 2004-08-14 04:47:14 +0000
If there was an Oh Snap! button, I would hit it right now.

Posted by on 2004-08-14 19:37:21 +0000
I was a little tipsy last night....name this fagan

Posted by on 2004-08-14 19:53:20 +0000

np: aesop rock "bazooka tooth" lp

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