I don't care what anyone says
<a href="http://pitchforkmedia.com/record-reviews/m/mars-volta/deloused-in-the-comatorium.shtml">I really like The Mars Volta's Deloused in the Comatorium</a> and I'm not even all that into Prog.
Flame away, I'm ready for you.
<img src="http://www.roberthuntstudio.com/i/der-spiegel-cavemen.jpg">
Before now, I never picked up too much on their stuff- I think my first inkling of these guys was goofing on their caveman-like appearance and when I saw them performing a couple of things off of 'Amputechture' last year on the Henry Rollins show.
I get the impression that there is some clarinet free jazz in the first track Aberinkula.
I will be honest and admit I have no fucking clue what the thematic angle of any of this is.