Feel the hype, save the money
Comicopia (464 Comm. Ave. in Kenmore Square) has free passes to X:3 for Thursday, May 25, 7 pm, at the Boston Common Theater. One per person (for you and a guest). While supplies last.
Good things do come from reading the Herald!
I picked up one during lunch - If anyone would like to brave the crowds with me, lemme know.
My initial thoughts / questions <b>(Some spoilers in the last point - be careful)</b>
-If Storm controls the weather - why not a Katrina times a billion? How about a redux of the <i><b>Monster's Ball</i></b> Best Actress Oscar acceptance speech?
-a suspension bridge of disbelief (OK I have to admit the bay area has only maybe looked cooler in <i><b>Vertigo</b></i> or <b><i>Bullitt</b></i>
-No 'Anna Paquin saves the day' moments? All we get his her "Big" decision? WTF?
-Famke Janssen and R. Rojmin :)
-Was the guy who played the senator's son with hawk wings Claire's arty boyfriend in <b><i>Six Feet Under</b></i>?
-Who was Xavier talking to at the very very very end of the flick?
Andre Braugher's newest show just wrapped a mini first season "Thieves)
Mr. Braugher plays a professional heist man in post Katrina New Orleans - what I saw of the show was very promising.
Also, the team of writers responsible for <i>Homicide</i> (David Simon et. al) are also responsible for HBO's Miniseries <i>The Corner</i> and the semi-regular series <i>The Wire</i>.
After Baltimore Sun police beat writer David Simon took a year sabbatical from the paper to hang around w/ Baltimore Homicide detectives, he wrote the book <i>Homicide: A Year On The Killing Streets</i>, which was the basis for Barry Levison's TV Show. A couple of years later he wrote <i>The Corner</i>, this time focusing on crime and drugs in the inner city through the eyes of Baltimore's inner city residents as opposed as through the eyes of law enforcement.
<i>The Wire</i> spends 50% of its time profiling the law and 50% profiling the crooks. Each season so far has a specific focus 1: The Baltimore drug trade in the inner city
2: The underbelly of Baltimore's dock workers 3: Baltimore's political corruption. The upcoming 4th season is supposed to prominently feature the education system (or lack thereof) in Baltimore
great stuff all the way around...