Good JDate or Oxymoron?
So, I went on a JDate for the first time in a LONG time on Friday night...appropo since it was Shabbat and all...and had a very nice time. So nice, in fact, that we're having dinner again tonight!
Friday night we went to a fun pizza place, lots of hilarity ensued, including a forgotten wallet, and the night ended up being pretty great. After dinner and a drink we went to Centennial Park for a walk and ended up just sitting on a bench for a long time, talking. He took me home and came in for a cup of tea and more talking. Around 1-ish I ended the evening.
I called him this morning, and he asked if I wanted to go out again tonight. I accepted, but said I wished I could cook us dinner and then invited him over for leftovers from my sister's graduation party last night. He was very excited about that, and said that he was a big fan of the food from Kalamata's, which catered Elizabeth's bash.
Hooray! Hopefully this tall drink of recording engineer will continue to win me over.
He said he'd make me a mix cd and come eat more of the ice cream I bought for him (I got his fave flavors for dessert).
Of course we talked about all kind of inappropriate things for a second date, but hey, y'all know me and that's not that unusual. I told him I want to take things slowly, and he was cool with that.
No definite plans for a third date, but we both seemed inclined towards keeping this up!
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What about the other one? The one named Athens?
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