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Posted by MF DU on 2006-05-22 17:05:28 +0000

Southern Records Podcast

here. Presenters Allison and Tony spin a selection of new releases interspersed with news and information. Featured artists include Carla Bozulich, Melvins, Barr, Hawnay Troof, Alias & Tarsier, Todd, Charlambides, Boris, The Paper Chase, Current 93, and Battle Of Mice. Looks bitchen.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-05-23 17:00:16 +0000
this also had a cut from the new M. Patton 'Peeping tom' record - folks should check out this broadcast (proprietary eponym replaced, thank you very much) It is one of the best besides the buzz's history of punk rock: The Southern Folks found a way to index the entire hour long broadcast so that you can jump to specific songs, and the notes of ther artist, song title and label are displayed. goddammit I Love America (umm I mean England - it is Southern Records afterall)

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-05-23 17:08:31 +0000
I gotta figure out how to do that myself.

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