Dating Etiquette
So, how long should I wait for him to call? Do I call him if I called him for our last date? He said he'd make me a mix cd and come back for more ice cream, but we didn't make a date. I know I'm being girly and dumb, but I don't want to eff this up and I don't want to sound desperate or too eager, but I do want to see him again. Help!
How about 3 months and you call the person back, let em know you are cleaning out yr wallet..
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seriously, if its good fuck all the rules and do what feels right...
You don't want to get into the habit of making all the effort. He needs to call and figure out something for the two of you to do together.
If he doesn't call, he's a dufus.
Let's see we have three male votes for phoning, and one female vote for staying home and doing your hair. ;)
G Lib, when was the last time you dated?
Back me up here!
In honor of getting out there again, and that it's going to be in the upper 80s today, I wore a very cute skirt.
Thank you for all the votes, of confidence!
I agree 5000% with tgl: <i>"If he isn't interested in seeing you, it won't matter whether you call him or not. If he is interested in seeing you, another phone call won't turn him off."</i>
Sorry not to have your back, G - I do agree that once Mr. Fella gets beyond 3 dates, he should be given some guidelines/encouragement regarding also doing some of the calling, etc., but I don't think it's fair to test him, especially as he might just be busy or anxiety-ridden.
Thanks for asking, sweetheart. x
But - yes, it's hard. Our role-reversal and her increasing anxiety are the two hardest parts. Well, that and thinking that I've missed my chance to make her a granny. Stupid lack of a ticking biological clock! Maybe mine's digital...
TGL and Pamsterdam have the right idea.
And I haven't dated in oh, I don't know, too long to remember. So I have no recent experience to base my advice in.
I have a feeling that later in the summer I'm gonna need to get very, very drunk. And I feel pretty confident that y'all will help me.
For now - send good thoughts, eh?
This hurry up and wait thing is hard on the nerves.
Sorry, sweetie. xxx
Besides, some dj from Atlanta just IMed me on JDate. There's other hope out there.
First of all, "but he really is coming back on the 9th" suggests that you believe he lied to you about his schedule--and if you actually think he's lying to you, why do you still want to go out with him? And if you emailed because you thought he was lying in one of those wierd, paranoid moments that have been known to happen at the beginnings of a new venture, and you stil emailed him, then you allowed the crazy out, and it's generally preferable to keep that to ourselves until the relationship is better established (say, the 4th or 5th date;). Now, I understand that there is an element of chance in the dating game, and that sometimes people really are freak shows (as you and I can both attest, and I mean the people we've dated, not us, although the argument could be made...), but it seems to me that dating, or really any friendship, is about taking that chance because the percieved returns are greater. Now, I have been known to have the wierd anxious, paranoid thoughts about other people's motivations, but that doesn't mean that I have to act on them. I have to be sappy about this for a minute, my apologies, but the returns are definitely worth the risk--my life has been absolutely enriched by being open to the Q kids, and the Q kids reciprocal openess (and see, you didn't all turn out to be some strange vegetarian cult).
Second, if you don't believe that he's lying to you, and you emailed him just because you wanted to have contact with him before the 9th, and you couch it in terms of 'having forgotten' that he was away (implicit, it would seem, in your inviting him to do something he's said that he is unavailable for), then you are lying to him. Either way, it doesn't seem healthy.
Honar nails it.
Anyway, thank you for the concern. I'm not concerned...just a little lonely.
No, I'm not kidding.
He's a scorpio. Which, seeing as you're a pisces, might be rather saucy and enjoyable. :-)
But in either event, maybe it's time for Goydate? Or scheduling back-to-back dates, so you don't get hung up on the one guy, who you don't know from Adam?
Chin up, babe, you're one hot ticket.
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Reply to:
Date: 2006-06-03, 9:55PM CDT
I'm looking for a first date with an interesting woman who considers herself creative, fun, intelligent, and just a little confused about what she's doing in Nashville.
I think self-confidence is the most attractive trait a woman can possess with intelligence, self-awareness, and looks all duking it out for second place.
In brief, I'm a single, white, 32 year old professional, 6 foot tall, 190 pounds with a good education (grad school in Boston), Southern roots (Memphis, Tennessee), and an international outlook (a lot of living/travel/studying/work abroad).
I am not currently nor have I ever been married or in jail. I have no diseases, kids, or drug habits, and hope you don't either. I don't smoke anything but I do like to drink and hope you do too.
If you're still reading and are interested in meeting up for a drink or a hike or just some quality time in an art gallery, please let me know. In lieu of a picture, please let me know what book you’re reading now or what’s on your playlist, and we’ll take it from there. (But if you’ve got a picture handy . . . ) I'd like to learn more about you.
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The S.N.A.G. or the guy from Hungary? Just kidding.
I'm glad you emailed him Miriam. Because as you know, "when God closes one door..."