Measles Confirmed
I had the Measles on the Monday (5/15/06) that I bro'd down.
Please call Liz (Somerville Public Nurse) at 617-625-6600 ext-4306 or Michelle Canning (Boston Health Department - 617-534-5611 or Frank 617-595-0687 if you have any questions or concerns. Liz will be calling all the people who were at the 3 on Monday. There is an innoculation that we all get when we're kids. But <B>apparently</B> another one has come out.
Shit's crazy. Some fool at my job had the measles and now I'm under fucking quarantine. SO don't get the Measles call this chick and get the shot.
I'm playing 'Happy Colored Marbles' by Ween for you right now - not sure if that will do you good or not - Id like to think there are more positive vibes because of it...
THe entire IT department at Investors Bank and Trust consists of Indians with names like Vencat. I have nothing against these folks. However WTF? Don't bring your rare communicable deseases to my air conditioned office. SHEESH
A few days off for fun? Probably not-- now I'm completely paranoid-- I'm itchy all over, have a stuffy nose, feel like crap, you name it. And I made the mistake of bringing home a bunch of books I should read for work.
Thanks, Bank. I appreciate it.</sarcasm>
Anyway the Somerville Public Health Nurse told me to post the following. She wants anyone at the party to give her proof of two innoculations before the long weekend. The state is taking this very seriously:)
Dear Friends of Frank:
You are receiving this email because I believe you may have been exposed to measles. Measles can be a very serious disease for babies, pregnant women, the elderly, and immunocompromised persons. It is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS and the virus remains suspended in the air for up to two hours, so you don't even have to have direct contact with someone to give them the disease.
For this reason, I am asking your cooperation in forwarding me your immunization record or titer result as soon as possible. In order to be immune to measles, you must have had two doses of MMR vaccine or a positive titer.
Please DO NOT assume that you have been fully immunized. The MMR vaccine was not routinely used before 1976 and two doses were not required for school entry (kindergarten) until 1990. Universities make their own requirements, so university attendance does not constitute proof of immunity.
Attached is a fact sheet about measles from the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health
Please call me if you have further questions. I would like to receive everyone's records by tomorrow. I understand that Frank first contacted you last week, so I believe many of you have already been working on obtaining them.
Mr. Mr. should totally go on the roadtrip - words and photos gentlemen!
I don't have the cooties anymore I swear.
Public Health Nurse, City of Somerville
(617) 625-6600, ext. 4306 (direct)
(617) 625-6600, ext. 4300 (office)
(617) 629-3040 (fax)
"More than 95% of the people who receive a single dose of MMR will develop immunity to all three viruses. A second gives immunity to almost all of those who did not respond to the first dose."
We are talking outside chance that either bh or db has measles (or any body else who made Monday Tuesday), making it even less likely that you in turn caught them, tgl. So yes it's possible. It's also highly unlikely.
Well, damn.
Um... thanks, mr. mister?
my mother swears that i had my shots, but can't find the documentation.
i think i will post a bunch of shit for sale on ebay and paint my apartment and watch princess mononoke. alone. my throat does hurt a little bit, now that you mention it...
Good thing I found that out <i>after</i> I went down to the cape for the weekend a day early...
PS-- Did I crack a book the whole weekend? Guess.