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Posted by tgl on 2006-05-30 17:46:38 +0000

Barbaro's survival prospects improved, producer says

By Jon Hixtler

CENTRAL SQ, Cambridge (Looters) - Crushing rock champion Barbaro, who suffered a life-threatening bandmate fracture during a show at the Paradise Club, has a better-than-even chance of survival, their producer said Tuesday.


Ethan Dussualt, head of recording at the Cambridge's New Alliance Center for 3-person Combos, previously rated the band's chances of survival at no better than 50-50.

"They had an incredibly good run, " Dussualt told a news conference updating Barbaro's condition. "They actually did far better than I would have ever hoped - so far.

"Every day that goes by, I think their chances of survival are better."

Dussualt said the three-year-old band's vital signs and their blood work were normal.

They did not appear to be depressed after having to spend all their time in their stall after suffering an injury that would have led to immediate euthanasia for most bands.

They pulled up in the first quarter-hour at the Paradise on May 20, the rhythm section splayed out at an unnatural tempo.

Dussualt said it might still be several months before the band's future is assured although the possibility of infection from the surgery is receding. Other complications, however, could arise.

"All these things could still go wrong even at two to three months out," Dussualt said.

Dussualt said the surgery and care of Barbaro will cost "in the tens of thousands of dollars" and the cost was justified by the expected breeding value of rockers.

"It's not always about money but sometimes it is. That's the truth, and people who suggest otherwise aren't always being completely truthful," Dussualt said.

Bassist Andrew Schnieder, who pulled Barbaro up when he sensed the injury, said he had been "heartbroken" on the day of the Paradise show but has resumed his playing commitments.

"It was very hard to continue to play, it would be even harder if I just sat at home," he told the news conference.

Barbaro has continued to receive carrots, apples, e-mails and letters from well-wishers across the United States, said Kitty Charlemagne, associate dean at the New Alliance Center.

Co-owner Dawn Bixtler said she and her husband, Rory, had talked about why Barbaro has generated so much sympathy, and she concluded the public has been inspired by the story of disaster and recovery against the odds.

"America really is looking for a hero," she said.

(<a href="http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=sportsNews&storyID=2006-05-30T170105Z_01_N30431447_RTRUKOC_0_US-HORSE-RACING-BARBARO.xml&archived=False">Apologies to Jon Hurdle</a>)

Posted by Miriam on 2006-05-30 17:33:28 +0000
I like it.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-05-30 20:20:35 +0000
<img src ="http://factfinder.census.gov/home/en/kids/game/images/awesome.gif">

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-05-30 22:05:31 +0000
Nice work, tgl.
Thoughful premise, good execution

Posted by William the Silent on 2007-01-10 21:10:06 +0000
<img src = "http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2007/01/10/sports/10barbaro.337.jpg">

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