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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by tgl on 2006-05-30 17:40:57 +0000

A conversation about Death... wait, Light Comedy!

I caught "Charlie Rose" last night --evidently, CR has been recovering from bypass surgery, not sure if or when he will return--- and the fantastic conversation between Garrison Keillor and Robert Altman. Looks like you can get it <a href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7215677879111608819&q=tvshow%3ACharlie_Rose">here</a>.


Among all the banter was Keillor professing that he was always trying to "be appropriate" during the filming and steadfastly refusing to say he "acted". It was at that point that the scroll on the bottom changes from 'Garrison Keillor, author/creator "Priare Home Companion"' to 'Garrison Keillor, actor'.

Well, I laughed.

Very enjoyable watching these two talented people compliment each other gracefully and deflect the others admiration. There was also a delicate tension between the two, Altman being ready to ascribe deep meaning to the movie while Keillor was a bit more reluctant to admit he had tried to write a meditation on death.

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