Bedtime reading
So, my sister loaned me this book, "How Does She Do It?" or something, and it's all about this overworked English mother who's in international finance and always hopping continents and juggling her home and work lives. I've been having trouble getting into it, and when I do, I get my brain working overtime on all the things I still have to do before leaving on vacation and starting my new job, and all the stuff I haven't done in the last nine months and what still needs to be fixed at home, and what I can afford to do now, and whether Dude will call me, and the cost of a gas installation so I can start cooking again, and how much my first electric bill will be, and whether I'm building my compost heap correctly (and that I'm so excited that the new concession stand at the pool is going to give me their scraps for it!), and what I'm going to buy in Boston, and whether or not I can afford it, and how long I have to wait until my next laser treatment, and painting the rest of my walls, and setting up my studio, and spraying for bugs and why are there tiny spiders all over my kitchen, and is my new supervisor going to wear me down, and will I like being a fundraiser, and how do I motivate to leave my house and make friends, and where would I find people I'd like to meet anyway, and what should I wear to meet them, and now that I own a house and have a decent job, what next?!
Needless to say, I'm having trouble falling asleep. Once there, I'm having trouble staying there. Once there, the sun wakes me up very early. I feel like the walking wounded.
Sorry for yesterday's rant.
You didn't cry to him about "Aunt Flo" did you?