Univision is broadcast, so, g<10,000 'o' omitted>l!
Posted by G lib on 2006-06-12 10:32:17 +0000
The no wordwrap aspect of this last post is annoying, TGL.
I want to watch some games. Does anyone have a plan to get together to see a few?
Posted by tgl on 2006-06-12 11:42:22 +0000
And yet, I was trying to be annoying.
Now I'm being snippy.
G-<20,000 '0' omitted>OL!
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-06-12 14:41:23 +0000
Thursday @ the Phoenix Landing noon-time for England vs. Trinidad and Tobago.
Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-06-12 15:41:16 +0000
The laughing you hear is my boss' response to my asking for a few hours off to go watch a soccer match in the middle of the day...Czech Rep. 3 USA 0, time to pick another country to root for...England???, but their coach reminds me of Mr. Burns...funny how England won Saturday, but the British press is all over the team for the way they played.
Posted by G lib on 2006-06-12 16:09:33 +0000
(thank you, tgl)
Posted by tgl on 2006-06-12 16:33:43 +0000
They won on a penalty shot because a defender crossed into the goal. Understandable.
Posted by tgl on 2006-06-12 16:34:28 +0000
The Czech Rep. is one of the top 5 teams in the world, right? The US can advance with two wins in Group play?
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-06-12 16:41:24 +0000
<i>Slight</i> chance... if Ghana and Italy draw, there's a slightly better chance.
Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-06-12 22:17:09 +0000
I'll see you Thursday, if not before, BQ.
Posted by pchippy on 2006-06-12 22:42:29 +0000
I'll be there too, I think.
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-06-13 05:32:24 +0000
Bring it!
Posted by tgl on 2006-06-13 11:05:26 +0000
That's the day I need to stop by Cambridge City Hall and pick up my license to marry. Might get a fishing license too...
Nolo Contendre
<a href="http://brainwashed.com/vvm/news/downloads/20061604_cupmyballs.htm">brainwashed.com</a>
I want to watch some games. Does anyone have a plan to get together to see a few?
Now I'm being snippy.
G-<20,000 '0' omitted>OL!
Have my pint ready for 12:15.
Brilliant, TGL, just brilliant.