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Posted by tommy on 2006-06-12 00:35:01 +0000

Stomping grounds

Took a bike ride up to Sin City this afternoon...<!--break--> Looking good, Lynn! I was happy to see the common all spruced up and being used by many people who appeared to be engaged in activities other than drug deals. Looks like they're also refurbishing the old phone company building next to City Hall. Happy also to see that "Records Wanted" is still in business. Got my picture-sleeve 45 of Hot For Teacher there. There's a new place called "Tacos Lupita" on Munroe St. If it's in cahoots with the same-named place in Somerville, it'll be delicious, tgl. Even the old Edison Hotel looks like it's been renovated. I hardly recognized the place, until I was almost killed by a kid speeding down South Common St. in a Celica with a homemade spoiler.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-06-12 04:17:51 +0000
Excellent post. Picture sleeve "Hot for Teacher" is pretty hot. And while I've always heard great things about "Tacos Lupita" and been once myself, I'm not enamored. I even ordered a 'tacos lupita'. What should I be getting there?

Posted by tommy on 2006-06-12 09:22:47 +0000
Well, it's not like life-changing or anything. Basically similar to Anna's or Boca Grande (that is, delicious). Just more charming.

Lynn did not have anything like that while I lived there. Many great sub shops (Angelina's, Earl of Sandwich), but other than that, not much.

Posted by tgl on 2006-06-12 12:38:14 +0000
"Tacos Lupita" is delicious, confirmed. Haven't had a beef tongue taco yet, but pork/beans/rice goodness abounds. I've wondered if it's affiliated with the joint of the same name in Somerville. If you made it around the corner into Central Sq., you would have found the only European-style cafe in Lynn, <a href="http://www.gulu-gulu.com">the Gulu-Gulu</a>. Serving your $2 a cup coffee needs.

In the same vein, the gentrified section of downtown Lynn then extends one more block over to Oxford St. Where $8 martini's and Eastern European style bistro fare is available at the Oxford St. Grill.

Did you make it to the Vistor Center of the Lynn Historical Society? If not I suggest a return visit to peruse the paintings of the <a href="http://www.tfaoi.com/mn/mib/mib165.jpg">Lynn Beach Painters</a>. I think the exhibit is up until the autumn. (Link to image of my favorite painting from the exhibit; otherwise, mostly dusty ships and rolling waves).

My one visit to "Records Wanted" was well rewarded: it was 1/2 off day. Got a Time/Life LP box set of songs of the Renaissance, one dollar. The Genesis/Phil Collins lined entry-way is a plus.

It's a ways away, but plan on independent baseball, 23 August. New Jersey vs. North Shore. Fraser Field.


Oh! What was your bike route? 99? Through Everett and Saugus?

Posted by MF DU on 2006-06-12 13:45:12 +0000
Them: "Welcome to Tacos Lupita - Can I Take Your Order?"

Me: "Let me start of with a basket of chips
Then move on to the pollo asado taco
I would like two pollo asado tacos with one beef chimichanga
On the chimichanga, I would like a side of sour cream
I would like tomatoes and onions on my quesadilla
For dessert I would like the flares -- I would like extra cinnamon
Do you make guacamole?"

Them: "Yes, We do make guacamole."

Me: "Uh, I would like a side of guacamole on my Tostitos
I like to dip the Tostitos in the guacamole"

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-06-12 14:29:33 +0000
Reminds me of driving through Harlem.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-06-12 17:22:56 +0000
Do you have any iced-tea?

Posted by tommy on 2006-06-12 19:37:46 +0000
99 through most of Everett, but then Lynn St. 99 dumps you onto the left lane of route 1, which is not a good bike route. Lynn St heads through Saugus and becomes Boston St once it gets to Lynn.

Headed home via Wakefield, so I took Eastern Ave out of town. Would have said hello, but I didn't know which house was yours.

Haven't been to the visitor center since about 3-4 years ago, when they had a poorly-attended festival of some sort. They had a lute-playing minstrel and a old-time shoemaker. The shoemaker was happily going about his business, but the minstrel was pissed about the sparse attendance.

I'm in for baseball. Is Rich Gedman still the 3rd base coach?

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-06-13 11:30:11 +0000
Yes, Gedman is still the coach.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-06-13 11:33:25 +0000
Gedman is the manager of the Worcester Tornadoes

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