Anachronistic Performance
For anyone curious, Boston Typewriter Orchestra will be playing Somerville Art Beat on 07/15/06. More info and humurous content at:
<a href=""></a>
BTO is not to be confused with TYPO, a new ensemble that includes a few ridesiders.
<a href=""></a>
way cool article :)
"The BTO show was quite possibly the best show I've ever played in my life.* Somehow, we packed the place. I'm sure the Globe article probably helped. There wasn't an empty seat in the house, so people ended up having to stand. We easily had at least 300 people in there (people tend to exaggerrate attendance numbers. I don't)... and they LOVED us! After the first piece the crowd simply erupted. It freaked me out. "Shit...", I though. "We'd better deliver!". We had timed about 20 minutes worth of material in practice with about 10 minutes or so to improvise if we needed to. In reality, our planned set ended after about 10-15 minutes and we ended up having to improvise much more. Luckily no one could really tell. Someone actually asked for autographs. "You've GOT to be fucking kidding me!"
I didn't think I'd ever get this kind of recognition for playing a Typewriter. It took us about two years, but this was unimaginably huge for us. Before the show, a complete stranger running one of the booths in the fair said to me "Hey, you're one of the Typewriter guys, right?" Unreal."
Jimmy Tingle said we broke the fire code.
Hey, just curious:
What is the orchestra's opinion of Mavis Beacon?
Personally, after trying her software program once in 7th grade on the ol trusty Apple IIGS, I made a concerted effort to be a hunt-and-pecker for the rest of my life.
So far this strategy has paid off with hefty dividends.