Corwood 779
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Jandek goes Hi-8 on yr ass. I believe the e-mail I received from the ultra cool Jandek mailing list (a bevy of dating opportunities here for those interested) said it is $16 USD post paid...
Some excerpts of the review:
<i>It's a revelation. Really. I can honestly say that I've been more excited about the AUDIO releases of upcoming Corwood projects than the DVDs. Plus, it's taken so long - I started to assume that he may have scrapped the idea. Instead Corwood has sent out its most daring project to date.
Daring because the fourth wall comes down and we get up close and personal with the Corwood Representative (and band). The DVD includes three options for viewing: Camera 1, Camera 2 and a mix of both. Depending on which you pick you can then choose to watch either one song at a time or "play all."
Camera 1 is the REALLY daring thing, as 90% of the time it's focused in zoom exclusively on the man from Corwood. You see every facial expression (including the "speculative look" he gets when he seems to be deciding which song to do next, flipping pages in a file folder). You also see his guitar styles and get a real look at him "rocking out" (as he does throughout, but especially on "Real Wild.") It's interesting to see his interpretation of the lyrics (he makes some very sarcastic faces at a few of the lyrics). He also smiles at the applause.</i>
I got a replacement package and response "letter" in refrence to my lost in the mail package. 1 truncated sentence about dropping him a line that I received 778.
2. apparently, the Menu of the dvd is cobalt blue, just like all of the beloved cds...
Isnt there a new Pollard box set out to keep you a little more positive ;)....
Fear not: I won't be forcing anyone to watch the videos. (Not on Mondays, anyway.)
#1 wasn't directly commerce related - I had sent him a friendly thank you note to let him know I received the followup package (after the first one was lost in the mail). He just thanked me for letting me know I got it.
#2 was the DVD I received yesterday.
Still no word on the Minutemen DVD - WTF - I dont know why I bothered to pre-order the $5 preorder discount is lost on the shipping and handling - Shrewsbury Newbury Comics is sometimes less of a crap shoot than mail order...
Cool to see the other players and the audience - gives you confirmation that there are a few others out there also interested / oddly compelled by the man.
I didn't realize before that the catalog # is exactly the same as the 'Glasgow Sunday' (even has the blurry church artwork on the front - the scan from above is what's on the back) and it comes in a jewel case, not the plastic clam shell that you would usually expect from a dvd.
We need to get Angela / Twisted Village et. al into bringing him to Beantown.
The ICA theater would be a good venue - Im surprised the Boston Creative Music Alliance hasn't done this yet. I wonder what the Corwood representative's asking price is...