What Time is it in Trescott?
Ho-humm. Monday afternoon, post-burrito, post-iced-coffee (another one??), waiting for the compile to finish.
What's up in Trescott, ME?
<img src="http://time.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/cutlerme4pm.jpg">
Hat tip, <a href="http://time.blogs.com/daily_dish/2006/06/the_view_from_y_16.h
I swam up and down shore from the end of my street to Red Rock park yesterday. Thought it was a mile. More like half a kilometer. Water temp. much, much warmer than Trescott ever gets.
So, 3/10ths of a mile is what I swam. A couple pauses. Mostly breaststroke as every time I switched to Australian crawl, I ended up heading towards Provincetown.