Some You tube fun on <a href="">pitchfork</a>...
Posted by MF DU on 2006-06-20 14:14:24 +0000
My <a href="">fave</a> so far:
(scroll down - its the one below Kraftwerk)
Lionel Richie: "Hello"
Directed by Bob Giraldi
Can be found on The Collection DVD
Often imitated but never surpassed, this thing could be the Plan 9 From Outer Space of music videos. Every time Richie mimes "hello" like it's the most sincere hello ever offered in the history of hellos. When he gazes longingly at his blind student with those cradle-robbing eyes, I get that feeling of enjoyment that one can only get from watching quality crap like a straight-to-Sci-Fi-Channel thriller about Frankenfish. True confession: I know a dude that tried to pitch some woo by quoting this song in a card left outside a girl's door with a bouquet. Alas, dude's love was not reciprocated. [David Raposa]
Posted by LP on 2006-06-20 14:57:54 +0000
Nothing can compete with Lionel's Hello.
That said, what was that Ah-ha video where we saw the ink-sketch version of the man when he looked in the mirror? Take on me? That was deep.
Other contenders: Mickey. (I don't know who sings it and probably never will.) All that low-tech 80s-style cheerleading was great. I'm glad it was preserved for posterity.
Unrelated, if you want to see a video of my friend Jeannie at the Patriot's cheerleaders try-outs this year:
How does the blind chick in "Hello" create a sculpture that looks exactly like Lionel? WTF MTV
Posted by MF DU on 2006-06-21 10:37:25 +0000
by the beauty in her soul and the accuracy of her touch (her fingers plumbing the depths of Mr. Richie's soulful facial features)...
Posted by mr. mister on 2006-06-21 10:45:35 +0000
That fro was perfect. I wonder what else she sculpted. hooooooooo
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-06-21 13:41:46 +0000
Nice time waster. Definitely the Blur, Basement Jaxx, and Pulp videos are worth a look-see. Like the Avs video, but I think the "Since I Left You" video is better than the "Frontier Psychiatrist" which you can watch <a href="">here</a>
(scroll down - its the one below Kraftwerk)
Lionel Richie: "Hello"
Directed by Bob Giraldi
Can be found on The Collection DVD
Often imitated but never surpassed, this thing could be the Plan 9 From Outer Space of music videos. Every time Richie mimes "hello" like it's the most sincere hello ever offered in the history of hellos. When he gazes longingly at his blind student with those cradle-robbing eyes, I get that feeling of enjoyment that one can only get from watching quality crap like a straight-to-Sci-Fi-Channel thriller about Frankenfish. True confession: I know a dude that tried to pitch some woo by quoting this song in a card left outside a girl's door with a bouquet. Alas, dude's love was not reciprocated. [David Raposa]
That said, what was that Ah-ha video where we saw the ink-sketch version of the man when he looked in the mirror? Take on me? That was deep.
Other contenders: Mickey. (I don't know who sings it and probably never will.) All that low-tech 80s-style cheerleading was great. I'm glad it was preserved for posterity.
Unrelated, if you want to see a video of my friend Jeannie at the Patriot's cheerleaders try-outs this year:
<a href=" "></a>
It takes a while to download. It's pretty entertaining to watch all these girls at the tryout.
I think I need to study the meaning of "posting." Does it mean I should stay on-subject and short?
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