My apartment was broken into yesterday while we were at work.<!--break--> They got two laptops: one crappy old windows one and a new Powerbook which was sweet. It belongs to Marna's company, so we're hoping they take the hit on this one.
Although each of our road bikes are kickass, and would cost at least a grand each to replace, these were not stolen. Tragically, though, they did steal my BMX race bike. This is worth next-to-nothing to 99% of the population, but it's disappointing, because I got an old rusty GT frame/fork and spent a lot of time this winter restoring it to its 1988 glory. I even found a set of "new old stock" Araya 7x rims and custom-laced them to decent set of blue Suzue hubs. Bike would have been worth about $700 in 1988. Can't say I was really using the bike for anything, but it sure looked good.
The bastard did not even have the courtesy to steal Marna's hated work-issued cell phone and pager.
The cop said he had a good idea who it probably was, and that he probably flipped the laptops for that day's drugs. He implied there have been a bunch of laptop-related break-ins in the area, but that they weren't sure who was buying them and where they were ending up.
So, if you see anyone tooling around Cambridge/Somerville on a vintage GT, tell him we'll trade him a cell phone for it.
I was in a certain corporate office supply store the other day and I saw they now market tiny little lojacks for laptops - not really a bad idea for folks that carry crazy important info on their laptops.
aw well - lets work on inventing a device that will enable an individual (fuckee?) who has been fucked over to view future bad karma that will happen to the fucker.
Reminds me of a Neil Hamburger joke: Why did the Red Hot Chili Peppers cross the road? They were running away from the rehab clinic.
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