Wah-Tut-Ca storm damage
A few days after C4(RT) played camp, there was a brief, intense storm that did a lot of damage to a bunch of buildings and cars. Everyone is okay, thank goodness, and photos are <a href ="http://app.tabblo.com/studio/stories/view/98601/"> here. </a>
I flinched when a branch fell down in our yard. Makes you think long and hard about what people in Louisiana dealt with last year.
Didn't get a ticket for the tail light, which I got out of once before on the same road several months prior, but I did get a ticket for not updating my license and registration with my new address. Those of you who hounded me (or made fun of me) for not doing the same in Boston for all those years can yuck it up now. The ticket is $87; the court date is in October. I may appear, if I remember!
Anyway, the cop made it as pleasant as possible, then suggested we both hurry and get ready for the storm.
As soon as I walked into my house, a downpour started. It looked like a movie set with someone holding a hose to my kitchen window! At one point, I was concerned about a "pop" I heard outside. Figured it was a backfiring car or a big branch coming down. Turns out there were several branches down, which I saw leaving for work. Good things the trees have solid roots, but I keep worrying they're going to fall on the house.
On a lighter note:
<img src ="http://static.flickr.com/66/216654200_99a64f492c.jpg?v=0">