Saturday August 19th 1:00 PM
MF DU is throwing a surprise <b><s><i>THIRTIETH</b></s></i> party for his wife (no, she doesn't much check rideside...)
It's 1:00 pm in Watertown and all RSN'ers are invited. I would be delighted if any / all would like to attend.
It will be a family friendly event - peeps of all ages welcome.
Pinching Maddie Nigs's cheek optional.
I'm guessing it will go until 4 or so.
A few of us (probably not G lib) are going to see the Henry Rollins Band and X(!) afterwards on Lansdowne Street.
Please e-mail me at richard[dot]ladew[at]fmr[dot]com for details - I can give you directions to Boylston St. in Watertown (MF Du's sister unit's place..)
Anything you want us to shout in a heckling fashion to Hank?