G&P wedding
so... I should probably get around to buying a plane ticket for the wedding, are there any extra-curricular activities round that time I should know about and plan my schedule around? Aiming to do around 2 weeks including a few days at my Grandmothers in white Trashua
Plus - are there couches available round then for a whiney limey to crash on?
You too Miriam.
I have booked a ticket, funnily enough its 200 pounds cheaper to fly on Sept 11th than it is for any other day. I thought I would go the scenic route and am going via Detroit, gives me a chance to pay homage to the home of techno.
Arrive Logan 21:15 on Monday Sept 11th - depart Sunday 24th at 18:00
bring it on
Who can pick Miriam up and take her to the camp?
Who can pick Miriam up and take her to the camp?
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