1) In reading more about the
Caro 3, I was struck by how little evidence the zealous prosecutors in Marquette County have against these men. Yes, it is strange that our would-be-capitalists are attempting to make a buck off of pre-paid cellphones they purchased at Wal-Mart, but hey, this is America, right? Sounds like three Palestinian men were arrested because they were taking photos of the Mackinaw bridge. Welcome brothers.
2) I've then come across
this post by Craig Murray, British ex-Ambassador to Uzbekistan. Via,
MFGR, natch. As far as we know... no bombs, no plane tickets, no passports even. All suspects have been under surveillance for a year. All just talk, albeit illegal plotting-to-murder-talk, but just talk nonetheless, if that is what they are guilty of. Their guilt should be in question as the main bit of evidence is from a detainee in Pakistan. One of those countries we torture people in.
3) Philip K. Dick is
sooo funny, isn't he?