All of these things are just like the other.
<b>1)</b> In reading more about the <a href="">Caro 3</a>, I was struck by how little evidence the zealous prosecutors in Marquette County have against these men. Yes, it is strange that our would-be-capitalists are attempting to make a buck off of pre-paid cellphones they purchased at Wal-Mart, but hey, this is America, right? Sounds like three Palestinian men were arrested because they were taking photos of the Mackinaw bridge. Welcome brothers.
<b>2)</b> I've then come across <a href="">this</a> post by Craig Murray, British ex-Ambassador to Uzbekistan. Via, <a href="">MFGR</a>, natch. As far as we know... no bombs, no plane tickets, no passports even. All suspects have been under surveillance for a year. All just talk, albeit illegal plotting-to-murder-talk, but just talk nonetheless, if that is what they are guilty of. Their guilt should be in question as the main bit of evidence is from a detainee in Pakistan. One of those countries we torture people in.
<b>3)</b> Philip K. Dick is <a href="">sooo funny</a>, isn't he?