<img src= http://tviv.org/w/images/d/d1/Weeds.JPG></img src>
Apparently this show is about a woman (mother) who turns to selling pot after her husbands leaves the picture. Sounds pretty funny. Last week promoters for the show were handing out Brownies with Weeds packaging and today I scored a sweet Weeds bottle opener. I'm sold.
Like the 4 people that regularly post to RSN are going to suck up those guys's sanctimonious bandwidth.
If they dont want you using the image, just break the chain like everyone else instead of berating people for using a proprietary image they stole off of Showtime in the first place.
I had to hassle the Weed people to give me one. One of the weed reps found an opener for me on the floor of his weed truck. So no go LP. Apparently they were handing out ice cream too. I love weed.
<img src="http://static.flickr.com/63/217842762_257e3c9ac1_o.jpg">
If you do have a TVIV cookie in yr browser it looks like this:
<img src="http://static.flickr.com/65/217807827_c8076680b4.jpg?v=0">
I want ice cream.