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i ride sideways
Posted by tgl on 2006-08-17 21:27:34 +0000

...one potential vote lost

Computer phone call, "Hi, I'm Chris Gabrielli". Sorry, that doesn't do it for me. I wonder what the performance of these things are, they assume what percentage of calls might be successful? Compared with what percentage of people that are completely turned off?

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-08-18 05:44:41 +0000
Gabrielli got my vote early when he overtly supported the Cape Wind project in a TV advert. But I'm mostly encouraged that Healey is the GOP front runner...

Posted by tommy on 2006-08-18 11:30:38 +0000
Agreed. Got the same phone call last night. Haven't really gotten serious about researching the candidates much yet, but I had an preference for Patrick over Gabrielli, with Reilly a distant third. Gabrielli will really need to win me over now.

I'm also encouraged that Healey is the GOP frontrunner. Sixteen years later, and I'm still mad at John Silber for escorting the Republicans into the governor's office.

I also got a computer phone call last week from Samuel L. Jackson, urging me to see Snakes on a Plane. Probably wasn't going to see it anyway, but that sealed it.

Posted by tgl on 2006-08-18 11:43:55 +0000
I actually like Gabrieli's TV commercials, and his support for Cape Wind.

Reilly's a dick.

Posted by tgl on 2006-08-19 03:21:56 +0000
Ha, be careful with your <a href="http://snakesonaplane.varitalk.com/">phone number</a>. Ty Burr recommends a <a href="http://www.boston.com/movies/display?display=movie&id=8383">Friday night</a> viewing. Is this my summer moive? Or Talladega Nights?

Posted by MF DU on 2006-08-19 12:31:31 +0000
I read that review too - it does look compelling.

I just sent Jackie the telephone greeting from Samuel L.

chortle inducing

Posted by MF DU on 2007-01-10 04:54:05 +0000
Umm I really like Ty Burr and I had fun repeating Samuel L Jackson's best known line from the film, but I would have to say that <i>Snakes On A Plane</i> largely isn't worth the film (or blank DVD-R in my case) that it is printed on.

What might have been a fun drunken group outing to the movies was transformed into a joyless solo evening in front of the tube. Jackie was wise to go to bed early.

Posted by Riotous Nutjob on 2007-01-10 13:30:43 +0000
Defintely a big screener.

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