...one potential vote lost
Computer phone call, "Hi, I'm Chris Gabrielli". Sorry, that doesn't do it for me. I wonder what the performance of these things are, they assume what percentage of calls might be successful? Compared with what percentage of people that are completely turned off?
I'm also encouraged that Healey is the GOP frontrunner. Sixteen years later, and I'm still mad at John Silber for escorting the Republicans into the governor's office.
I also got a computer phone call last week from Samuel L. Jackson, urging me to see Snakes on a Plane. Probably wasn't going to see it anyway, but that sealed it.
Reilly's a dick.
I just sent Jackie the telephone greeting from Samuel L.
chortle inducing
What might have been a fun drunken group outing to the movies was transformed into a joyless solo evening in front of the tube. Jackie was wise to go to bed early.