Rollins Band/X at Avalon 8/19/06
Last time I saw Henry was a few years back when he did a set of Black Flag songs for the <a href =""> West Memphis Three </a> at Axis. He played with his old band (minus Weiss plus Melvin Gibbs) on Saturday and was fucking awesome -- say what you will about him being didactic or long winded or whatever...the man still puts on a show with the same level of energy as he did when I first saw him in 1992.
(Having said that, some of his shit is unintentionally hilarious.)
<img src ="">
After that, X played -- Exene and John Doe can both hit all of thier notes, and Billy Zoom continues to be one of the coolest/creepiest guitar players I've ever seen. Second time I've seen 'em -- I'm in.
<img src ="">
(Photos swiped from Mose, who was in my class last semester.)
btw - thanks for posting the <a href =""></a> link. The 2 'Paradise Lost' documentaries and the <i>Devil's Knot</i> book really moved me. This is one creepy case that deserves people's attention, regardless of the ultimate outcome.
"Effortful Heavy Music" kind of explains the Rollins Band, but doesn't account for the fun that most people had there in spite of the fact.
(We missed you there G lib...)