home taping is killing the record industry
SanDisk can give you 10GB for $249 with their <a href="http://www.redherring.com/Article.aspx?a=18057&hed=SanDisk+Takes+on+iPod§or=Industries&subsector=EntertainmentAndMedia">Sansa</a>. AND it has a FM tuner you can record from. Color me interested. Well, interested in their $49 models...
When does the first one for 100GB come out?
Here is <a href ="http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=industryNews&storyID=2006-08-22T092342Z_01_N22191943_RTRIDST_0_INDUSTRY-TOWER-DC.XML">another sign</a> that the reign of the $18 USD single cd is at an end.
I have mixed emotions about this particular establishment going under as I am highly nostalgic for the trips into Boston I used to make in high school to get all kinds of fuckin crazy unavailable imports that I ever really only found in their upstairs jazz section. Now that I have <a href="http://www.twistedvillage.com"><b><i>Twisted Village</a></b></i> though, I'm ultimately not that sad.