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Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-08-22 17:18:27 +0000

Lost humor...

Three tsunamis and a Jew walk into a bar. The first tsunami says, "We're waiting for a friend." The bartender says to the second tsunami, "Who's your friend? He might have already been here." The Jew says "Oy vey! Do we have to get in to this every time? It's like my people never left New Orleans!"

Posted by Miriam on 2006-08-22 19:12:05 +0000
I don't get it.

Posted by theduane on 2006-08-23 00:24:11 +0000
well if you don't get it i guess you had to be there...

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-08-23 11:55:32 +0000
The best Gadi and I could come up with was that when the Jews left Egypt the Egyptians that chased them were drowned.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-08-23 11:56:28 +0000
<img src="http://www.tshirthell.com/shirts/products/a638/a638.gif">

Posted by MF DU on 2006-08-23 13:38:33 +0000
location joke.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-08-23 13:43:12 +0000
Q: What's the difference between a duck?
A: One leg is both the same.

Posted by Miriam on 2006-08-23 15:03:48 +0000
Oh yeah...but what's the connection to NOLA?

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-08-23 15:08:11 +0000
Helluva company...

Posted by theduane on 2006-08-23 23:28:11 +0000
a kitty on the roof!
a donkey driving a car!
a dog that clucks like a chicken!

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