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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by Miriam on 2006-08-25 12:40:25 +0000

Dodgeball vs. Pinkie

Last night I stayed after work to get things done, then went to the gym for about an hour (bike, weights, PT for my arm), and while I was on the bike, an old co-worker walked by with a bag of balls and said to join the crew in the gym downstairs for dodgeball after I was done with my workout.

I went reluctantly, but soon got completely into the game. I played with them for about an hour, got knocked out several times, but also did some quality knocking out. One of the times I was hit, I was trying to deflect a ball coming at me, and instead dropped the ball I held from shock of impact on my right pinkie.

I didn't think anything of it, and went back to playing. Left soon after, and on the way home noticed my pinkie knuckles turning black and causing some not so nice pain...besides not being able to fully open or close.

Called my sis in panic, drove to the clinic, which closed an hour earlier, and then went to Kroger's (grocery store), where the pharmacist told me to ice it for two hours (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off), take some advil and wrap it in the night if it wakes me up with pain.

Got home, iced it. Took the pills. Iced lots more. rubbed on some arnica gel.

This morning I got up and the bruises were gone, and I can move my pinkie! There's still some pain, but I'm determined to play again next week...just going to avoid being hit in the hand again.

Posted by tgl on 2006-08-25 12:47:57 +0000
Way to go, soldier.

Posted by Miriam on 2006-08-25 17:40:04 +0000
I'm a big baby.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-08-26 18:52:34 +0000
I <i>hate</i> dodgeball.

All (former?) nerds do.

Posted by Miriam on 2006-08-29 13:12:20 +0000
It's different as an adult. You're not being picked on for being the weird kid; it's ALL weird kids. You're just trying not to get permanent physical damage.

Pinkie is still sore to bend. I'm going back for more Thursday night.

Posted by Miriam on 2006-09-01 17:57:37 +0000
Played for 1 1/2 hours last night, with my right pinkie and ring fingers taped together, until I couldn't breathe and my heart was in my throat. At that point, I sat out three games, played one more, and went home.

So sore in all the right places today. I'm going back for more next week!

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