Be assured Mr. Mullen's reputation is greatly exaggerated.
Posted by The Edge on 2006-08-25 16:34:40 +0000
What have I done to deserve the eloquent "fucktard".
Posted by MF DU on 2006-08-25 16:57:37 +0000
What's the video from <i>Achtung Baby</i> where the camera is all close-up on your face and there are beads of water dripping on your neat and precise knit cap?
I dunno why the sudden unprovoked obscenity really, other than the above image appeared in my head coupled with the sonic rembrance of the cumulative result of all your homogenous guitar solos all at once in my feeble little pea brain. It overloaded me with negativity. Sorry.
seemed like a good idea at the time, nothing personal.
"fucktard" as a term in social use stemmed from a conversation over pizza with Stoops and buzzorhowl after the Rollins / X show.
A large number of folks sitting at our table all thought at one time or another that they had "invented" that term.
Not a very good term - certainly doesn't value the differences and inherent worth and dignity of each individual. Do we have to apply worth and dignity to U2 though?
Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-08-25 17:29:14 +0000
fucktard = someone who would pay $15 to see a u2 cover band
Posted by MF DU on 2006-08-25 17:42:00 +0000
The only tribute band I considered seeing was 'The Fake Thing' an all Faith No More cover band I saw in a Providence, RI listing.
I'm sure that would've been terrible, but I still got a kick from it.
Chuck Klosterman wrote an awesome essay about the trials and tribulations of a Guns N' Roses tribute band that was in his <i> Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs</i> book from a few years ago which is quite worthwhile,
Posted by tommy on 2006-08-25 17:47:34 +0000
I once saw Beefy/DC open for Doc Hopper maybe 6 years ago or so. They were fantastic. Way better than AC/DC would have been at that time.
Does Rock Bottom count as a tribute band?
Semi-related philosophy question: I got two separate "friend requests" on The Myspace, from "GeneLovesJezebel" and "The REAL GLJ". Each of the two twins that started the band in the 80's now have their own band, I guess. Apparently, both bands play shows, both bands play all the old GLJ songs, and both bands claim to be the one true rightful Gene Loves Jezebel. Does one of them count as a tribute band? Which one?
Posted by MF DU on 2006-08-25 17:54:06 +0000
Celebrity Death Match in a "Mad Max / Thunderdome" surrounding to award one band all rights and privliges mebbe?
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-08-26 02:50:52 +0000
I'm stoked by the Doc Hopper reference.
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-08-27 16:24:24 +0000
That video was called "Numb" and appeared on "Zooropa," actually.
I dunno why the sudden unprovoked obscenity really, other than the above image appeared in my head coupled with the sonic rembrance of the cumulative result of all your homogenous guitar solos all at once in my feeble little pea brain. It overloaded me with negativity. Sorry.
seemed like a good idea at the time, nothing personal.
"fucktard" as a term in social use stemmed from a conversation over pizza with Stoops and buzzorhowl after the Rollins / X show.
A large number of folks sitting at our table all thought at one time or another that they had "invented" that term.
Not a very good term - certainly doesn't value the differences and inherent worth and dignity of each individual. Do we have to apply worth and dignity to U2 though?
I'm sure that would've been terrible, but I still got a kick from it.
Chuck Klosterman wrote an awesome essay about the trials and tribulations of a Guns N' Roses tribute band that was in his <i> Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs</i> book from a few years ago which is quite worthwhile,
Does Rock Bottom count as a tribute band?
Semi-related philosophy question: I got two separate "friend requests" on The Myspace, from "GeneLovesJezebel" and "The REAL GLJ". Each of the two twins that started the band in the 80's now have their own band, I guess. Apparently, both bands play shows, both bands play all the old GLJ songs, and both bands claim to be the one true rightful Gene Loves Jezebel. Does one of them count as a tribute band? Which one?
Numb is a good description, though.
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<a href="">El Vez</a> was the best cover band I've ever seen. Buzz, your thoughts?