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Posted by mr. mister on 2006-08-25 18:34:58 +0000

Sea Change - The Caspian may Take the Wadsie's award for Coolest Sea

<img src= http://www.cairnshotelsaccommodation.com/images/SeaChange-diving.jpg></img src>
Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan have united to protect the Caspian Sea, which they all border. A document called The Caspian Convention, which is the first legally binding document on any subject to be adopted by these five nations, lays out a protection plan that went into effect on August 12. "The Caspian Sea's fragile environment is extremely vulnerable to the region's current boom in oil and gas exploration," said Achim Steiner, head of the UN Environment Program. Part of the sea's troubles stem from the overfishing of Caspian sturgeon, a fish whose eggs are farmed for caviar, and the heavy drilling of the area's rich oil deposits.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-08-25 18:47:39 +0000
Coolest lake?

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2006-08-25 18:54:41 +0000

Posted by tgl on 2006-08-25 18:54:46 +0000
It ain't great.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-08-26 02:51:26 +0000

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-08-26 10:54:17 +0000
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Michigan-Huron">Lake Michigan-Huron</a>?

<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Manitou">Lake Manitou</a>?

(oh, and of course, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caspian_Sea">The Caspian Sea</a>)

Posted by pchippy on 2006-08-26 14:38:34 +0000
Lake Chelan is nice. Lake Lucerne (also known as Vierwaldstaettersee, or "lake of the four forest cantons") is even nicer.

Posted by pchippy on 2006-08-26 15:00:20 +0000
On the other hand, if we're talking about COOL lakes...

<img src="http://sbcb.bioch.ox.ac.uk/oliver/Priv/USA/WindRiver2006/WindRiver2006-Images/88.jpg" width="500" height="800">

(Photo credit: O. Beckstein, July 2006)

Posted by mr. mister on 2006-08-28 12:36:52 +0000
Lake Umbagog in NH has bald eagles. represent
<img src=http://www.backyardbirdcam.com/gallery/eagle-bald-flight-lg.jpg></img src>

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