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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by frame609 on 2004-08-17 19:36:01 +0000

Swingin' on the flippity flop

Ed, didn't you mention this on the porch a few weeks back? the New York Times went to Seattle looking to find out what the hip grunge lingo was, and the woman they asked made up a bunch of shit:


All subcultures speak in code; grunge is no exception. Megan Jasper, a 25-year-old sales representative at Caroline Records in Seattle, provided this lexicon of grunge speak, coming soon to a high school or mall near you:

WACK SLACKS: Old ripped jeans

FUZZ: Heavy wool sweaters

PLATS: Platform shoes

KICKERS: Heavy boots


BOUND-AND-HAGGED: Staying home on Friday or Saturday night

SCORE: Great



DISH: Desirable guy


LAMESTAIN: Uncool person

TOM-TOM CLUB: Uncool outsiders

ROCK ON: A happy goodbye

Posted by on 2004-08-17 23:05:21 +0000
Comedy is some of this stuff is actually used, or was once used. She wins!

Posted by on 2004-08-18 16:25:51 +0000
Kid fuckin', that girl's from Wistah.

Posted by on 2004-08-19 14:22:53 +0000
what about
Talkin to Ralph on the Big White Phone = Vommiting

That chic is part of the tom tom club.

Posted by on 2004-08-20 15:12:08 +0000
Netflix "Hype" - Its the documentary about the Seattle "grunge scene" that features this very story.

Lotsa cool bands: The Wipers, Tad, and all the other Seattle bands you've probably already heard of that started on Sub Pop...

(side note: the makers of Hype went on to do a fascinating documentary I saw on the Sundance Channel a few months ago called "Scratch" (Skratch?) all about turntabalism. All the usual suspects were in in : X-ecutioners (Roc Raida et. al), invisible skratch picklz (Mixmaster Mike, Q-Bert et.al), Peanutbutter Wolf etc. etc. Shit. If I didnt want 2 direct drive weighted tone armed Technics SL1200s and a crossfader, I sure as shit do now. My belt driven Pioneer just doesn't seem to cut the mustard - especially being sans weighted tone arm. Everyone in the living room has to sit still when I drop an LP on "Ok - no one do anything - after the Ramones first LP we're gonna drop some Aesop Rock, just dont move or it will skip!!!)

Posted by on 2004-08-20 15:19:09 +0000
not getting credit for your posts rules. having viral conjunctivitis rules too.

Posted by on 2004-08-20 16:12:12 +0000
(side note: the makers of Hype went on to do a fascinating documentary I saw on the Sundance Channel a few months ago called "Scratch" (Skratch?) all about turntabalism.
Cool connection. "Scratch" is what prompted Ned Greene and I to drop our $300 early tax return (It wasn't a rebate... the $300 was deducted from your 2000 return amount, if any, otherwise, pay up!) on a pair of Stanton STR8-6 tables. Very low-rent, the current STR8-8 is ~$250 I think. A nice way to start, I guess.

Posted by on 2004-08-20 17:43:00 +0000
It was pretty punk of you guys to have your return checks hanging on the wall. Punker to buy turntables.

Rich, viral conjunctivitis? Yuck!

Posted by on 2004-08-20 20:10:10 +0000
yep. Ive been out of work for 3 days now..... and its not just "pink eye" Sore throat, cough, losing my voice, fever, you name it.... bleccch

Posted by on 2004-08-20 20:25:10 +0000
Turntables are pretty punk, but do they match up to my new 8 track player, and enormous box of trax?

Posted by on 2004-08-20 21:38:53 +0000
I'm gonna have to go with a resounding No on that. No wheel of steel could ever match the sleek precision, sound reproduction, and the ultimate "fuck you" of an 8 Track. What else could you spill a beer and an egg sandwich with ketchup on and still be "rocking out" with your proverbial "cock out?"

Posted by on 2004-08-21 05:04:33 +0000
Giordana, what are the five punkest 8-tracks in your collection?

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