Aaron Neville in the eye of the Storm
<img src=http://a1568.g.akamai.net/7/1568/1600/20060824231940/music.yahoo.com/promos/katrina/images/hurricanekatrina.jpg ></img src>
Katrina a year later. Pretty heavy. and then there's Aaron Neville. Aaron Neville has one of the funniest voices ever. Too bad the Funky Meters don't get as much press.
<img src= http://www.georgeporterjr.com/photo_pages/gallery1/4meters.jpg></img src>
Read down for the post, reading: 'Here's the scoop'
<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/philustr8r/images/AaronNeville_000.jpg">
<img src=http://homepage.mac.com/philustr8r/images/AaronNeville_000.jpg></img src>