Jandek At The Lab
I don't know Jandek but I wanted to be the first...
<a href="http://www.turntablelab.com/vinyl/217/1032/">turntablelab.com</a>
"and then the world imploded. Pulled from the big box of things you never thought you'd see at Turntable Lab, here's a Jandek 7". For those unfamiliar, a little history: Jandek is the weirdo folk legend who, until recently, had constructed a... expand review mildly successful 30+ year music career without ever once playing live, giving an interview or even identifying himself (or themselves) by a proper name. (For a more interesting and detailed history, check out tisue.net/jandek.) Anyway, in the '90s, Jandek put out a series of totally acapella albums which, while totally creepy, I'd always thought were ripe for remixing. Along comes the Secret Frequency Crew. Already doing the unthinkable (i.e. remixing Jandek's wild vocal intonations and awkward dark folky stylings), the Crew decided to remix a non-acapella track from Jandek's classic album Blue Corpse, and they were totally on-point. On the A-side, Lab associate Egg Foo Young and his Secret Frequency compadres remix "Your Other Man(1)" in a subtle fashion, not the Miami bass attack you'd expect. It's more of a re-edit, with smooth bass and gentle electronics added to the mix, making ol' Janky seem like a real deal crooner. I always knew old boy had soul! The version on the flipside(2) – labeled "Phoenecia Outer Harmy" – is a bit more abstract, barely touching the original Jandek vocals and instead opting to deconstruct the drums from the original for a downtempo feel. These remixes were approved by Jandek's "label" (Corwood Industries) and the 7" includes a Xeroxed copy of the note(!). This is a one-time pressing, strictly limited to 300 hand-numbered copies, so get it while you can."
I remember mention of the remix being made last year when Jandek was playing New York City -- something cryptic about postcards being passed out to people waiting in line.
Thanks for the heads up!
(I might have to get behind Mr. Dawn Bixtler's earlier gripes re: Turntable Lab's shipping. 1 7" and 1 12" only were ordered, yet my cheapest shipping option was $8.81 USD.) ouch