Motherfuckers flew planes into our buildings
Being positive today is not working too well for me -
Just heard the re-broadcast of the Howard Stern show from 9/11 - pretty scary - a complete rundown of all the events as they happened.
If flying planes into a building isnt an act of war, I dont know what is
Last night I was dismayed that the ABC "Path to 9/11" had absolutely _no_ mention of events between Dec. 1999 and Sept. 2001. The Cole attack was on Oct 12, 2000. The failure of the outgoing Clinton and incoming Bush administrations to respond to that attack enboldened our enemies. I was disappointed that the film showed the CIA and FBI working well up until the millenium, but there was absolutely nothing on the specific failures detailed in the 9/11 Commission report that allowed 19 terrorists to board US planes so effortlessly. I guess that's not what the TV movie was about... seems like a fairly gaping hole though. The success of the sweep in Dec. 1999 could have been duplicated in Aug. 2001 if only the operatives in our intelligence agencies had worked together more readily.
I really don't feel anger or rage about today --nor did I when it was happening-- just profound loss and sadness.
<a href="">Strangers Die Everyday</a>
Philosophically and rationally TGL is correct, but, which do you guys think will upset Americans as a whole more, the occurrences in a <a href="">Yemen harbor</a> or occurrences in NYC, Washington DC and PA?
Also, the painfully obvious point that today is Sept 11th 2006, not Oct 12th 2005.
I recommend listening to as much late '60s California love-pop-rock as possible. Then maybe Fugazi's "The Argument".
... actually, bizQ or DB: are the Monks from California?...
I also wanted to try and explain why my sentiments today differ from MF DU's. I align myself more with <a href="">Dave Barry</a>:
"Some day, our country will track down the rest of the monsters behind this, and make them pay, and I suppose that will make most of us feel a little better. But revenge and hatred won't be why we'll go on. We'll go on because we know this is a good country, a country worth keeping."
Hat tip, <a href="">MFGR</a>, of course.