florence swell at phillips beach
Picked up a few waist high rides this morning at Phillips Beach in Swampscott. Fairly clean. Not very long rides. It's a beach break, so it was difficult to find a reliable starting place. A. Hizzonah Bagley observing. My lack of recent wax and thruster fins did not help my abilities. Nor my deficient conditioning in the pectoral and bicep area. There were a couple shoulder high sets, managed to "go over the waterfall" on them. My last ride in, I got swamped, and when I surfaced, opened my eyes to see the board rebounding back at my head. Somehow ducked in time... don't think it was going that fast.
Bagley then took to the waves for a few. Shorts only.
I was hoping to catch more rides tomorrow, but the sound of a leaking exhaust manifold were much, much louder on the drive home.
<img src="http://www.sitcomsonline.com/photopost/data/708/3bbonbeach.jpg"></src>