G3: Patriots 7, Broncos 17
End of a dynasty? I can't accept the argument that the game was lost on bad calls. Sure, the Pats were hurt by the officials, but I can't see that they lost the game because if it. Brady attempted 55 passes, which seems like a lit. Can we get a receiver? The only scoring drive was a beauty. Only worked because they Broncos's defense was so depeleted, it seemed.
I love the viciousness between Michael Felger (of the Herald) and ___________ _________ (Drew Bledsoe's defender) on the late night wrap-ups.
Lobel and DeOssie go through two, three handles of Jack during the game?
Chill out, it's one game out of 16. We're still probably going to be 12-4/11-5.
<img src="http://images.despair.com/banners/mugs/pessimistsbanner.jpg">
I save my passion for issues that matter. The hashing and rehashing of our local sports teams is merely for amusement.
Unlike Michael Felger's attitude. He is pissed!
11-5 or 12-4. That <i>might</i> be enough for a bye week. Certainly the season ending game @ Titans is a bye week.